Spiritual Healing 

Spiritual Healing can open the door to a more joyful and deeply fulfilling life. Boost Your Overall Health & Well-being with a Master Healer. Spiritual energy healing identifies and removes the spiritual root cause of a problem.

Distance spiritual healing services

Spirituality & Spiritual Growth Practices

Spiritual Healing is a form of transmitting what is known as the life-force energy, chi, qi, mana, prana, zero-point energy, bio-energy, or Reiki to balance and restore ones mind and body.

For thousands of years, eastern practices and native rituals spanning from Asia to Africa have spiritual traditions have used this method of healing. Spiritual Healing can be practiced as distance healing, where a skilled energy practitioner may use this tool remotely and be just as successful as healing techniques in-person.

For over ten years, performing distance and remote healing has been a process help clients to spiritual growth and emotional clearing.  Spiritual healing draws in energy from the earth or the ether/universe and energy may then be projected from body areas, or from the heart in some situations. This energy helps balance the aura, chakras, meridians, and the numerous body systems like organs. 

Create an empowered life with spiritual guidance to  tune into your own inner guidance system (GPS) to help free any emotional, physical, and financial blocks.


Benefits of Spiritual Healing

Many people have experienced severe emotional pain, fear, and anxiety which can often lead to physical pain. Spiritual healing is the transmission or transfer of energy from a healer to unblock the person’s energy flow and restore balance to their mind and body. The practice completely connects the body, mind, and soul which unifies a person’s being, and activates their innate healing abilities.

Supports the immune system

Accelerates the body’s self-healing abilities

Normalizes blood pressure and circulation

Helps alleviate chronic health problems and acute injuries

Adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system

Removes energy blockages

Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins

Raises the vibrational frequency of the body

Deep relaxation to aid the body to release tension and stress

Better sleep and relief from insomnia

Aids with breaking addictions

Brings the body into balance and harmony

Helps clear and balance aura, chakras, and meridians

Achieves connection with the mind, body, and spirit

Remote Spritual Healing Sessions

Treat Yourself, the Office, the Team or Guests at Your Next Event to Spiritual Healing Sessions. A Thoughtful Way to Eliminate Tension and Boost Productivity is reflected in clients experiencing improved physical health, stress reduction, freedom from chronic pain, improved blood circulation and more.

Individual Sessions

corporate offices

gyms & sports teams

parties / events

Book Your Session Today

Treatment & Wellness Services

energy healing services

Spiritual Healing

 Powerful energy healing with remote or person sessions restoring, harmonizing and balancing our Spirit or Soul. 


Electrotherapy Massage

Our powerful state-of-the-art devices  goes deep under the skin to relax tight muscles fibers and promote circulation.


Reiki Crystal Healing

Experience vitality in your body with this therapeutic healing ritual using energy transfer to promote well-being.


Sound Therapy

 Align your body with the vibration and precise frequencies of sound to improve physical, spiritual, and emotional health. Sound baths with signing bowls cultivate intention in therapeutic ways, combined with deep self-reflection techniques. 


Energy Alignment

Deeply healing, insightful and powerful sessions to align your energy with the courageous and self-loving act of transforming energy blockages.  You will tap into awareness of your mind, body and spirit using Energetic Body, Chakras, Meridians and Intuitive Messages.


Therapy for Athletes

Specialized therapy services for athletes, teams and gyms for rehabilitation and optimum sports performance. Recover and rebuild with athletic therapies like Cryotherapy, Cupping, Acupuncture, Reflexology, and Frequency Rejuvenation.



What Clients Are Saying

“Sage’s healing energy is phenomenal! I went for a realignment, as I am an Empath. The experience was TOTALLY worth it. Cleared some blockages, had me back in sync with myself. If you are looking to clear certain energies around you or within self, or are looking to change your mindset and think positive to attract positive, Sage is your guy! Get ready to start believing in yourself again.”

Kerian Nelson-Herbert

Client, Energy Healing

“Any Bodies Massage is amazing! Last night I received a Reiki, crystal, sound healing and I’m feeling so good this morning.

Sage really knows what he’s doing so if you want to attract positive energy, enhance your mood, increase blood circulation and loosen tight muscles, check him out!”

Helena Smith

Client, Any Bodies Massage

“So grateful for Any Bodies Massage they set up every week in our lobby and in only 10 or 30 minutes employees come back refreshed and rejuvenated mid day. This month we broke company records with ease so not only was the service affordable but double worker performance output.

Thanks Sage!”

I. Campbell

Corporate Client, San Diego Office